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Half Moon Bay celebrates CLT's Jo Chamberlain, an "Extraordinary Coastal Champion"

Jo Chamberlain looks over future plans for open space in Half Moon Bay.

Half Moon Bay Review file photo. LINK TO HMB REVIEW

Dean Coppola

As 2023 draws to a close and we reflect upon another year of the Coastside Land Trust’s  dedication and work in the preservation, protection and stewardship of the critical shared open space land of coastal San Mateo, community members came together to celebrate the retirement of Jo Chamberlain, and her outstanding 17 years of service as CLT’s Executive Director.  The overarching theme of this gathering was in the celebration of Jo's history with the organization and how far they have come under her leadership. Members also acknowledged Mike Kimsey (past board member) for his work and achievement raising the money that enabled CLT to protect open space on the coastside. 

Bob Buffin, CLT board treasurer shared that “during her tenure as CLT Executive Director, Jo oversaw the organization’s acquisition of conservation easements along the historic Ocean Shore Railroad Right-of-way and in other sensitive locations. She also managed CLT’s taking title to 212 individual parcels of land, including 87.89 acres from POST as part of Wavecrest Open Space.” 

Paul Reidl, CLT board member and past board president  shared, “Her accomplishments as ED are remarkable and everyone on the Coastside who supports open space protection owes her a tremendous debt of gratitude.  She took a sleepy land trust and through tireless efforts turned it into one of the largest landowners on the Coastside.  She was passionate and tireless.  Being the ED was not just a job for her – it was her life’s mission.”

As people gathered together to celebrate Jo, friends and colleagues remarked on Jo’s dedication and vision, hailing Jo as a “renaissance woman”  who shared CLT’s vision, weaving its mission into community through the building of the coastal trail at Wavecrest, and the Junior Land Stewards Program, habitat restoration and work days, goats grazing at the railroad right of way, nature walks/talks/workshops, webinar series and art shows in the office gallery. Board member, Sara Polgar explained how, “Jo has an understanding that in order for people to care for and want to protect open space they have to connect with the land and feel empowered to care for it, and that she recognized that different people get engaged and feel connected in different ways. And in her work to connect with the community, CLT has become recognizable and familiar and cherished for these programs.”

While many hailed significant achievements, what emerged among those who shared in the celebration is Jo’s passion, organization, and her “exuberant, contagious  laugh”. May we all take this opportunity to reflect on a woman who has had a significant impact on this coastside open space and its community. And acknowledge what  Susan Dunn astutely expressed, “The land she preserved forever will forever remind us of her.” 

Thank you to Clay Lambert and the HMB Review for a beautiful editorial article to honor Jo…