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Amaryllis Belladonna In Bloom


**Nature Nugget**

Keep your eyes out for the Naked Ladies! 

The Amaryllis belladonna, also known to many as the Naked lady or Pink Amaryllis, is just beginning to blossom, with peak blooms to be viewed in August and September. This perennial herb is a non-native to California. It comes from South Africa, and is widely cultivated as an ornamental.

The Amaryllis Belladonna begins its growth in winter after the rain. The green strap-shaped leaves make a significant clump of foliage in winter and early spring. All of these leaves then die back by the end of spring. About six to eight weeks later, in late summer, a bloom stalk of fragrant pink flowers emerges on a leafless stalk - hence the name “naked”. These flowers grow to about 20 inches tall, and are usually a soft pink, although colors may vary from white to a deep pink color.